
Friday, June 17, 2011

Groupon Takes the World

Currently addicted..go for a GREAT DEAL in town..

So dun wait..tik tok tik tok..time never waiting for u..

Grab for a great deal today by Groupon My..

Great deal..i'm promise u

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Choxxy Given Birth

Just to inform my latest activity or in other words what i'm really into it right now...TUMBLR...yesssss fall in love..Shut your mouth n lets the picture speak out!!!

this my tumblr acc ..visit my tumblr and be my precious guest

Merepek punya Mimpi

Tersebutlah kisah seorang gadis yang kesakitan gigi dan bengkak gusinya. Dalam menempuh kesakitan yang amat sangat beliau tidur dalam keadaan yang sgt horror pd penglihatan mata kasar..(klu kamu sakit gigi cmana posisi paling best utk cubaan tidur??) jgn byg yang peliks2 dah la ya...tidur punya tidur..cuba tutup mata untuk yang keseribu kali baru berjaya..untuk tidur

Tapi sumpah mmg sedikit pun tak terlintas bayangan 2 jejaka ini sebelum tidur..yang seingat aku sebelum tidur baca ayat kursi jak banyak2 sbb sakit gigi yang agak mind set aku mmg clear..dan aku tak tahu menahu dari sumber mana mimipi ini dtg..

Pertama kali termimipi Encik S datang..suasana adalah alam persekolahan sekolah menengah..watak2 sampingan juga kawan2 SMKATS..superb cukup syarat sebab sekalian mahluk2 yang dirindui masuk mimpi..kecuali En. S..berbekalkan wajah agak tampan (seingat aku) haaha..realiti pun mmg not bad la..but not my taste..and unexpected HE PROPOSE!!!!

But..bukan propose untuk jadi suri hati ka...or surirumah ka..just propose to be a couple..couple???tidak...umur aku sekarang ini adalah umur mendambakan sang jejaka propose to be his wife..not to be his girlfriend..ini mmg mimpi standard secondary school..mental tak berapa matang..

Then aku tersedar kul 3.00 pagi..cadangnya nak bangun jam 2.30..sbb aku kena makan ubat time tgh sakit sgt2 baru disiplin ikut time makan ubat yang betul...pas mkn ubat..tidur balik..agak senang utk tidur semula ubat kul 6.30 dah ada kesanya...

Aku tak sempat nak pikir mimpi pasal En. S sbb niat nak bangun semata2 utk mkn ubat..mamun2 aku capai ubat nak telan...

Then..sekali lagi berlatar belakang kan suasana dalam yang ini mcm campur lak classmate aku..ada kwn2 time dan ada yang classmate time diploma..haha..yang ini kisahnya agak lucu and lebih detail..dunno why..but stiap ayat2 dia aku ingat..baju sedondon..kaler hijau(aku & En. A)..and dalam kelas ne me and En. A mmg tgh argue..ntah apa2 yang kami gaduhkan but smpai dpt order kena kick out dari kelas dan diarahkan utk bincang privately..kami pun pergilah ke kelas yang berasingan dan ne lah dia PROPOSE...pun sama jugak kes d atas..propose utk jd kapel kes ini mcm len mcm..sbb mcm aku ada feel dalam mimpi tersebut...realiti mmg zero(no feel at all)..dia lebih telus dlm menyampaikan kenapa dia suka ngn aku..homaigod!!! siap aku pakai jam tgn silvernya..hahaha...lagi lawak...dan aku sedar ada org duk ngintip2 lagi kat luar tu..but aku & En A professional punya kapel..cover baik punya!!!dah org yang duk ngintip2 tu minta kitaorg balik kelas..sbb cikgu dah panggil masuk...smpai aku terlupa utk pulangkan jamtgn dia sempat suruh aku tanggal sblm masuk kelas..hahaha...tapi klu ikut logik akal..ini sudah salah..berdua2an di kelas lain..klu time aku di SMKATS dulu..dah kena tgkap basah ne..berdating2an namanya...hahaha

Tp d hujung2 mimpi hampir nak sedar ke alam nyata..aku sempat bandingkan dua proposal yang aku terima dan aku sempat untuk buat keputusan utk terima lamaran En A dan tolak lamaran En S....kenapa??? sebab memori dlm mimpi serta feel yang kuat dlm mimpi untuk menerima En A daripada En. S..

Rasa2nya lah kan..kalau aku cakap ngn makhluk En A & En S ne..agak2 apa respon diorang ah??hahahahaha  diluar jangkaan mental dan keupayaan berfikir aku...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Quote of the Day

^^Never Get Tired of Doing Little Things For Others...Sometimes Those Little Things Occupy The Biggest Part of Their Hearts^^

Long Time... Many Story

As-salam semua...setelah lm mengambil masa untuk berdiam i want to post something..sbnrnya xdala something sgt cuma izinkan sy membebel buat seketika..uhu..ayat klasik...

dah terlalu lm xjenguk blog ne..bersawang sn sni dah..sja ambil ms brehat sekejap dan dahulukan mn yang patut..last my post on mac starting from much byk sgt mende yang terjadi..dan byk yang tak terluah..i'll keep it as i think that was a best way to do..until now..26th april  was my last paper for this semester..from now on..i will take a rest until the result comes out.

for the time being i also have learnt so much that i never realise i will utk senyap juga ms yg sgt tepat untuk men'judicial review kan diri need an application before the judge...just think for your own benefit..mungkin ada yang kita tak sedar kita dah buat salah kat ssorg dan kita perlu baiki diri sendiri..i'll accept sbb hidup adalah untuk belajar..and i'll never regret what happen at the past but i;ll regret if i done hurt someone that i never intended doing so..and i will be worried if i done something that will hurt someone again as a result...hopefully for tomorrow and for the day after tomorrow and till the end i will never hurt you again in any way...even i dunno how the way should be but at least i would try my best..

for the readers i have a formula for the great general in what type of relationship that u have right now..make sure there is a give and take...if u are hopes someone give you the best just give it the best to him/her as a return....if u are the one who receiving so much without gives the same as he/she did then it will hurt ur partner. He/she will be so tired to move on with you. Maybe at that time he/she need to take a pain killer pill known as 'patient' but it wouldn't be a long lasting effect, u have to find a cure..but that u ever heard some phrase önce broken consider sold..sometimes u have to accept that you will found someone with a fragile heart..we cannot expected that someday you realize that your partner was already broken long time ago without notice. So your chance are left behind, it's too late already and not easily be affixed.

Life just like a puzzle..u need a space to think for the solution..choice at your hand and once u make a decision u are personally responsible for any consequence because of that..if u decide to;s ur chioce and dun ever blamed anyone for that..if u decided to be happy then it's ur is simple. 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Quote of the day

a few simple tips:
Don't promise when you're happy..
Don't reply when you're angry..
Don't decide when you're sad.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Membebel pasal Hospital

Hola readers!!! happy to see u again!!..hurmm mesti semua tertanya2 why suddenly mo membebel pasal hospital plak kan..but it's the true story..mybe entri ini akan meyebabkan sesetgh pihak akn berkecil hati dgn lontaran lantang dlm n3 ini tp cuba kaji dr segi positif about what i'm saying after this..bukan tuduhan membuta tuli..klu ada benda yang boleh diperbaiki sama2 lah kita memperbaikinya...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

FYI - Fragrance

The best place to apply your fragrance
Fragrance rises, so work from toe to top, instead of top to toe. Spray a little on ankles, the back of knees or wrists, then the nape of your neck or behind your ears. For a subtle all over fragrance, try spritzing a little of your scent in front of you and then walking through the mist.

How long does fragrance normally last?
If you want to smell great all day long, your fragrance should be applied about every three to four hours. The best way to make your fragrance linger all day is to layer scents, using shower gels and body lotions from the same fragrance range.

Does dry skin require a more generous application of fragrance?
Yes, because dry skin does not hold fragrance as long as oily skin. It should be reapplied more often throughout the day.

Can perfume be kept indefinitely?
Once you've opened  your fragrance, use and enjoy! Otherwise, over time it will begin to fade or change its character. To get the most out of your  fragrance, store in a cool, dry place away direct from sunlight.

Can the same fragrance smell different at different times?
Yes. Sometimes you may think a fragrance has changed formulation, when in fact it's a change in your diet or lifestyle that's affected your perception of the scent. Pregnancy and menopause can also affect how a fragrance smells on you.

Why should I test no more than three fragrances at a time?
The sense of smell quickly develops odor fatigue if it's exposed to too many sensations in a short period of time.

Is it true that different fragrances suit people with different hair colour?
Yes, this is true. Blondes with fair skin will be happiest with long lasting multi-florals. Brunettes should wear dramatic oriental scents, and redheads are usually most suited to fragrances with green notes.

So gurls..apply this guideline as you wish to buy a perfumed...enjoy life..enjoy love!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Jadi Cantik

Lately ini...diakui diri ini amat menggilai mekap2 neh..sebelum neh mcm x berminat sangat but xtawla kenapa sejak akhir2 ini hormon2 kewanitaan tu makin tebal plak..hahahaa..abaikan jak ya...emosi diekspresikan dgn terlebih2..

ekceli i wanna share with you my readers...about my mekap guru.@ sifu..and mucho gracias to my kesygn PAI for introducing this amazing make up guru to me...thnxxx syg....unfortunately she's not have a blog....but i can confidently saying that she's very pretty...i mean my Pai..not my make up guru ya....Pai ne la kwn aku yg bertanggungjwb dlm memberi suma hasil download tutorial cik Michelle ne dgn kind of her kan..sharing is caring..

My make up guru is Michelle u know who is she??? at You tube, she is a "Queen of Make up Tutorial"....very famous person...maybe certain of u already know who is Michelle Phan rite...but who doesn't know about her...just take your time to click n subscribe at her channel..i will give it to you after this...

Michelle Phan with natural look..witout make up

In personal aku kagum dgn kesungguhan dia ne dlm mem'post tutorial di YTube ...dia bermula dgn hanya minat pada make up jer in 2006 but she managed to make it as  her profession. She 's starting with her own make up  which is very regular make up...but nowdays she had been sponsered by Lancome + IQQU beauty...from hobby to  i adore her....

.for me la..dia ne tidaklah cantik simple..but sweet... i like how she managed to give a tutorial in easy way to follow and understand...she gives you step by step until u done...not messy tutorial..clean and many compliment..tak banyak cakap and straight forward...that the tutorial should be...bukan apa byk dekat You Tube sume jenis merepek2 ntah apa2...ckp je byk..buang ms and not sistematik..but Michelle not like that...xpecaya??? try la tgok..and wat more interesting bout her..after she's make up it's totally different come out from her..pendek kata make up dia mmg menjadi!

many faces of her...

So thanx to Michelle...for make me more beautiful and creative in make up...of coz it incurred cost..but if you love it and enjoy it..for me it's not forbidden...mungkin ramai yg cakap make up2 ne membazir ja..but for me..respect the others...dia xpkai duit ko pun utk beli mekap tu...if she comfortable with that let her be...maybe it's the way she express herself and to built her confident...don't u ever heard ...confident is in the eyes of the beholder??? Bila kita rasakan diri kita cantik then from that d confident level would cubalah utk not try so hard kan...kita ne dilahirkan dgn kecantikan tersendiri...jgnlah smpai over sgt...yg besa2 jer..simply is the best..kang org ckp kita perasan cantik plak... Michelle fashion guru channel to be share wit you...enjoy the tutorial and have fun ladies!!


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

i miss my flight

Alkisah tersebutlah sebuah cerita yang memilukan hati pada yang mendengarnya...huhhuhu..pedih segala jantung dan pankreas aku nak menelan kenyataan bahawa aku telah terlepas flight untuk ke KL...mcm bengong pown ada gak kalu difikirkan scra logik dan berakal..owh ya sebelum's happen last's happen ms aku amek cuti raya puasa yang September kalu aku tak silap...baru nak upload..duk berhabuk dah dlm draft...anyway i have to upload gak..hadap je la...selamat membaca!!!

citernyer bermula bgini...actually aku mmg xsehat pown dlm 2 hari arituh..demam..menggigil2 bdn aku..selsema teruk nyer psl...

sakit hati xpayahlah nak kata...abes aku kena ngong ngan nenek n makcik2 aku..huhuhu padan muka..seblum neh one of my anty pown ader gak kes mcm kira dia lgi horor dr aku.her flight supposedly hari dia g epot hari ahad..beza hari..lg truk dr aku..even aku beza masa depart jer la..ku sgkakan 9.30..rupanya flightku 5.50 ptg..mcm hampeh..

mjur ms tuh mmg aku kat umah mak sedara aku..sbb dorg yg anta aku g epot..cuba imagine klu sang ratu hatiku yg menghntar tak ke mgucap pnjg org tua tuh...aslnya malas nak kol bgtaw ibu pasal mende nenek aku dah sound..sebut2 pasal keberkatan..dan2 je jariku mencpai nset dan memaklumkan kedudukan koordinat aku yg sebtul2nya...

mjur tak nek hangin la nina sang ratu..cuma dia kesian jer kat ank dia neh..aku memujuk lah dgn kt2 pujangga standard..'ada hikmat kowt bu..terlepas flight neh..'..lgpown mjlis pertunangn my anty 25hb harituh...dan aku gembira dpt m'attendkan dri pd hari bhgia beliau..

tuh blm citer sal nak booking flight lak..bermcm2 dugaan...abes calar balar bdn aku dek duri2 dugaan terlepas flight neh..actually pas aku realize flight aku lepas my aunt dah try kol centre MAS klu bleh byr denda dan aku leh nek flght setrusnya..but unfortunately flight aku tulah yg last for d kira burn la my ticket..
aku pown mencpai my lappy tuk tgok flight esok2 hari punyer...terbuntang mato den nengok harganya...mau 7 ke 8 ratus..humangaihhh....same je reganya MAS n Air Asia...beza depa dlm 20 ke 30 hengget jer..den xgaji lagi neh..memikir2 hal kewgn aku tgguh teng2 otak aku dulu...masih agak shock neh mnerima hakikat aku t'miss flight.

lagipon dlm ms dua hari neh xleh beli on9..MAS ker Air Asia ker mmg xterima..klu nak sgt kena g opis..sah2 lah kena get ready dlm riban2 duit kat purse..dah konpem2 la aku xmampu kan..aku pown try nengok ari2 berikutnya...dan nak dijadikan cerita...i have to take a flight which is one week after dat..only dat day was available and affordable..yg len suma mcm mencekik i have any choice???? hahaha ofkos...aku kena sewa tong gas dan berenang balik ke KL..itu jer choice yg ada...itu umpama membunuh dri scr percuma...merentasi laut china

dan aku kembali ke KL seminggu berikutnya..dan hebohlah citanya aku ne yg malang ble tetinggal flight..Looser,,,but aku kena tgok dr sudut positivitonya...ada hikmah..dan cukup2 bg pengajran terhdp dri aku sndri secara mendalam...yerrr klu selama ini aku jrg sgt ambil kisah pasal itenery2 neh..nowdays akulah org yg alert pasal mende neh..aku kena nengok depan mata aku sndri gak bru aku pcya..huhuhu...betapa penangan termiss flight ne bg kessan kat hidup aku seterusnya...kita xkan serik klu kita tak terkena sndri kan...aku akan pastikan xda lagi cerita sebegini berulang...promise!!


New Purfume by Britney Spears

Ohio!!! japanese mood nmpaknya di pagi hari...hurm semalam duk sevey2 purfume baru dr Britney upon request by Ms.Kechik aka my deareast housemate...before this dia beli BS nye purfume gak..fantasy kowt if i'm not mistake dia pown nak membeli yg baru kitaorg terjah la Britney punya purfume page dia...ada purfume baru...waaaaa sgt pyau liang...btul ke aku eja ne???? i mean botol dia pun dah tersgt cntik...

tadaaaaa.......cantik kan??? botol dia pown dah lawa...bau dia???

hah cni mek nak citer...kat cni xbley citer lelebih sbb my hidung itself xdpt bau dia xble nak tipu readers..kang aku ckp bau dia soft..ttba korg hidu bau dia tengik lak...ok...i will give a details about this product....

Name : Radiance by Britney Spears (9th fragrance by her)
Available on Market : September 2010
Ingredients : Blend of red berries, delicate flower petals and soft musk
Composition of : Berries, Tuberose, Jasmine, Orange Blossom, Iris and Musk
Packed In : Bold and gurly, light blue and pink bottle, decorated with fake rhinestone.
Types : Eau De Parfum 
Market Price : RM165.00 ( skg dah without tax kan?)

So sapa yang gilakan purfume..singgah la parfum shop utk try bau dia...mybe it suits u!! See on the next review...idea tgh mencurah2 ne nak muntah dah...mcm byk nak share...


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How does getting rewarded through sharing sounds like to you? Join #ChurpChurp today and bring more friends to the community!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm a bad person

Yerrr itulah hakikat...i'm a bad girl...adakah ini pengakuan???mybe..ceh mcm xikhlas kan iyer..itu aku akui...kdg2 kita tak sedar kita wat salah kat org kan...mcm aku..kdg2 aku wat salah ngn org dgn sejahat2 aku tp still jugak aku xsdrkan diri....aku taw aku wat salah setelah berkali2 membuatnya tnpa sedar diri..sorylah n3 kali ini agak emo sedikit...korg layan jerlah yer sbb aku rs jarang kowt aku wat gni...

ini n3 insaf namanya so mcm2 keluhan akan dibaca seterusnya..pd yang tak berminat silalah quit skg sblm menyesal akhirnya...heee..aku dah bg warning yer awal2..jgn ckp aku xsound lak...

kenapa aku ckp aku org jahat..sbb aku rs aku dah byk wat salah kat ssorg dan aku sedar cara dia layan aku pon dah xmacam dulu...aku org yg jrg bepikir but bila dah jd mcm neh aku akn trus menerus berpikir dan trus berpikir...but jgn risau aku xkan ubah apa2 pown ttg aku...aku xkan ubah cara aku layan ko ms aku jd aku ubah cr aku layan ko bila aku jahat kat ko..aku xkan jahat lagi dan aku janji aku takkan pernah sekali2 pun akan menyusahkan ko lagi....mungkin aku silap pertimbgn dan aku akui semua salah aku...mmg nyata aku yg salah...biyane yuo..chungmal biyane

bila dah jd mcm ne aku otomatik otak aku akn flash back blik semua mende yg pelik2..i mean semuanya yg penah jd dulu...i think i can lean on you...but i think i being spoiled and make it worst to you..soryy...aku stuju ngn ko buat apa ramai kawan klu semuany menyusahkan...dulu aku berpendirian buat apa ada kawan klu tak disusahkan....aku akan bg apa shj utk kawan...aku akan buat apa aku mulai sedar yg ko tak kurang apa pun..smuanya ko xda ruang utk aku memberi dan aku hnya mnerima smua jasa baik ko shj tnpa memberi blsan pd kau...i'm not a good friend kan...aku org yg menyusahkan rupanya...huhu btl aku xsdr aku byk susahkan kau..sory

sepatutnya ko kena simbah aku ngn air bg aku aku tahu ko takkan buat bgtu...just keep it...not let go..dan ko akn jd pemendam..aku hrp aku xsmpai thp org yg ko benci lg..hope so..aku rs skg neh thp meluat jer kowt kan...meluat tp xble nak dpt aku bayangkan betapa menyampahnya ko ngn aku...sorry aku failed layan kawan yg pemendam..sbb dulu aku pemendam tp aku dikelilingi oleh kawan yg direct to the point...smua ckp straight jer..jenis xjg perasaan org..mgkin pengalamn tu buat aku jd mcm skg...dulu aku pemendam tp aku akan nanges utk legakan hati dan aku akan lupa slh org tu kat aku ngn air ko berbeza...ko pemendam yg keras ko akan pendam dan bina benteng...benteng utk org itu ko hindari..kan?aku taw ko mcm mn...sorry sbb aku layan ko mcm kwn2 aku layan aku dulu...itulah identiti aku yg terbentuk dr pengalaman dulu...sory sgt2

cuma...aku xminta ko fhm aku sepenuhnya..ckup kenal aku sdikit jer...aku ne orgnya xmotivated...i need sumone by my side yg kena guide aku @ more to pengkritik..i cannot stand by my own...aku xkisah org tegur aku byk2 pun xpa..i'm used to..but if u silent..i cannot undertsnd..otak aku xleh nak pikir klu xda hint..siyes...biar la ko huha huha ngn aku..biar smpai aku menanges dgr ckp ko..aku xkan marah ko sbb bg nanges aku pown..sbb aku taw ko marah utk kebaikan aku dan percayalah lepas aku nanges tuh aku leh gelak balik...dan aku xkan benci pown ngn ko...malah aku + syg kat bila ko ckp kat blkg...wat do u think?? ko ingt aku xtrasa? haruslah aku terasa...mcm kena tikam ngn pisau tajam ..aku asalnya sensitif..dan bila org tu sindir2 kat blkg aku umpama ko bunuh aku senyap2...aku dapat kesan semua tu...atas semua tindakan ko...aku akan jd org paling alert utk semua mende..biar sehalus2 mende yg ko buat...and i can get it quickly more than u can imagine..aku mudah alert dgn prubhan ...aku lebih peka terhdp sekeliling aku....

u make me feel so down...down sesangat...dan teramat2...u never know how it's at different point maybe i will deserved it...and try to accept it with widely open heart..i think thats the best way to do...dat's the best solution should be...and i would do that..dun wory..just be wat u should be..i never complaint..the end

Teringin menulis guna bahasa Sabah & Cuti2 di Sabah

Sblum2 neh entri aku totally menggunakan cara penulisan KL..huuuh dan rasanya teringin plak untuk guna cara sabah..minta maaf ya pd readers2 yg mungkin agak kurg fhm utk certain2 penggunaan perkataan yang akan d gunakan selepas ini...more to sabahan plak..lama suda nda guna cr sbh even dlm blog ne pon aku nda guna sabah but i can speak sbh fluently ya..nanti begegar plak tembuni ku klu aku nda ckp sbh kan...

gnila...alang-alang aku mo bt post ne ..cni aku akan attach skali bbrp blog mengenai sabah...tapi sebelum itu...ada tapinya lagik...hehe...let me story about my hometown terchenta...

i'm originally from parents are sabahan n me also born @ sabah. Org sabah original la ne ceritanya kan..bila sebut pasal Sabah maybe ramai yg blurr cmana la keadaan di sabah ya...ini hakikat yg xdpt ditolak...bayangkan ms aku mula2 stadi d trgganu dulu..ehem3..tempat dirahsiakan..hahaha asi ka men rahsia2..asi la ba kan...kdg2 certain information patut di rahsiakn..PnC kunun...okey bebalik pd crita asal..hehe...dulu rmai yg nda taw sabah ne cmana tempatnya..itu nda boleh salahkan org2 yang xtaw ne la..ini yang jadi kemusykilan dorg..taw kenapa???...sebabnya adalah sbb dorg xcukup informasi pasal sabah..bygkan la..dulu..sblum ada astro la..yang RTM tunjukkan hanya crita2 tuuuu yg org2 asli sbh jak...yang masih tggl di hutan..klu ada dokumentari pown pasal dorg2 jak...pasal hutan2 la..pasal sepilok...pasal c bayau...pasal penyu....seolah2 mcm xda pekembangan di sabah ne..padahal tu bndar KK mo kejar KL sda..heee...xla smpai bgtu eyalah..itu la yg mo d ckp sbnrnya...tolong la kac tunjuk kemajuan plak d sbh...nmpak btl mcm sbh ne kwsn mundur...yang benar2 taw hanyalah org2 sabah dan keluarga2 mereka serta org2 semenanjung yang datang p sabah...jd pada yang blum dtg ke Sabah..sila datang ya...bru taw cmana tu sabah sebenar2nya...kempen skali...

Dulu kan smpai ada ba kawan2 ku yg xtaw pasal sbh ne tanya sm aku..."ko tinggal atas pokok?" Ya Allah mengucap aku dgr soalannya...aku bgus2 duduk d perumahan...di tnya duduk atas pokok ka??? tgokla kan betapa ceteknya pengetahuan dorg pasal sabah...itu soalan di tnya sm aku pd thn 2004...uii lm sda tu kan...skrg ne klu xtaw pasal sbh lagi mmg xbleh d trima pkai sda tu...byk skg ne informasi..bloggers2 sabahan pun banyak...terpulang atas jari sak mo klik ka nda...klu d ingt blik cmana aku mo explain ma kawan2 aku yg org semennjung ne teketawa sndri juak owhh..mjur la dorg nda cek telinga ku panjang ka itulah aku xsalahkan tu zaman IT bru mo bekembang..skg ne len sda critanya...

Bah seperti yg di janji ms mula2 tadi...sini ku kasi serba sedikit link pasal sabah...njoy the web n jgn lupa book tiket p sabah...mkn seafood sn syiokkkk sgt...xkan d jumpa d mn2..hehe..fresh lagik..murahnya heaven...wah..telebbih2 sda aku..

1. Sabah Bloggers - yang ini secara general ya..hehe..komuniti sabah bloggers...boleh random klik..

2. Travel2 around sabah - bah mo tinguk2 tempat menarik..

3. Uncle Chang - ne bapa kawan sy punya bisnes..siapa2 mo pegi Sipadan or Mabul juz contact them..highly recommended ...and Klik Sini untuk gambar2 terlatest pasal tempat percutian ini. Don't u know Semporna have many Greatest there and u'll definitely agree.

4. My Tawau - FB account..sila like this community..u can get a lot info especially about Tawau...apa yg best ttg tawau??? Makanan sedap2 xda tandingan...i bet! Try p pasar tamunya...nda pun Bazar..berghh barulah kick!

5. eTawau - Ok di sini more to festival2 yang di anjurkan di sekitar Tawau, Semporna, Lahad Datu, Kunak..lebih muda utk plan percutian ke sana pada hari2 festival...

Oklah itulah sedikit sebanyak yg bole d share utk tatapan anda2 semua...klu ada lagi telintas d otakku..aku post lagi lepas neh arr...belum penat lagi jari2ku mengettek ne keypad (nah,,takaluar ugikku) hehehe...njoy the link provided arrr...xoxo

Turn On Your Fashion Button- Part 1

Yipppiiiii finally...i have an aim to posted something like fashion which is like a craziness for me recently..and today that day have come..and i'm fully prepared to do so..for this n3 i freely share the fashion bloggers that really appreciate the fashion...there is a lot i want to share wit u my not saying that im fashionista but i like doing something in fashion..really into it..

since i'm wearing hijab...for Part 1 i want to share a certain blog with the hijab can make a reference about how their inspiration to make themself a fashionista without reveal their 'aurat'...and i really love  their way and it's inspired me..

Here i listdown the fashionista bloggers which already captured my eyes...i'm doing this for Malaysia Fashionista Bloggers only..and maybe i will do it for international at future...just follow gurls!!

1. My Amethyst by Shea Syahirah
2. Bows and a Rose by Adriani
3. Jezmine Blossom by Jezmine
4. Fatin Liyana
5. Maria Elena
6. Cik Epal
7. Ami
8. Ifa Athirah
9. The knot by Aimie
10. Emmy
11. Aishah Amin
12. Eyqa
13. Hentakbelipat by Farah
14. Bits of Beads by Fira
15. Lyna 
16. Nor Fatin
17. Shahirah
18. Nurul Cakap-Cakap
19. Sue Anna Joe

OMG..that was a long many of them rite..just klik at the link..and you are their world..majority of them have a blog where you can get their life story and what are they wear..and bla bla..bla...hehehe...but a few of them just have tumblr account or FB...and also Lookbook.Nu...they everywhere,,,hehehe...actually when you are into fashion world..u would recognize them...

Here i will give u a pic which is i get from Hana Tajima to her...but not all of them are in diz pic..actually diz picture are the invitation for them from Hana.....oh ya! abaout Hana Tajima..she also one of my Fashion guru...later on i will post about her...

i attach diz pic can recognize them...

Don't waste your time..juz turn On your fashion button!! Have a Nice & Lovely Day

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wishing List 2011

There are a lot of thing comes up in my mind right now..and i can simply saying i'm craving for them...arghhhh and a bit of tension how i can i fulfill all my wish for this year..human are greedy rite..but nothing is impossible..whatever you want you also had a way to grab that..actually i want more..more..more money.....if there is a tree that can grow a wonderful a life should be...hehehehe...nonsense!

Okey we get back to the are the list...

1. a Car...ermmm wat model?? at least Myvi mybe...

2. iPad...OMG i recently added this marvelous gadget to my's awesome!!!

3. Nokia X5..simply cute

4. I want a polaroid camera....also in purple..heee

ok..enough then...if i want more than that..i know it just only the 'angan-angan Siti Jenina'..the female version of Mat Jenin..ok...this is wat i want..hopefully i will grab all of these by the end of 2011...wish me luck!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Juara Lagu ke-25..unbelievable!!

Selamat menempuh hari Isnin!!!! emmmmmmm i hate monday!! heee..lgsung xde smgt nak g keje kan..sbnrnya ini adlah bad korg smua jgn follow erkk..sgt2 xsehat and i should change diz kind of attitude..i try to put more heart on my job...i have to move from this!! doakan me berjaya ya..

oppssss keluar topik lak..aslanya nak stori pasal juara lagu smlm...sgt2 x disangka kan...OMG seriously aku xpenah expect langsung pown Anna Rafali wil got title Juara Lagu...spnjang bbrp jam AJL semalam berlangsung...mmg dia out of list...

ini hanya my personal opinion okeyy...korg stuju @ x i don't mind..just speak out my opinion....for me..dr dulu mmg aku xbekenan ngn lagu dia..aku xfhm...can someone let me understand this song...maybe kurg penghayatan  ataupon aku mmg buta seni ke hapa aku xtaw...aku lbh prefer lagu 'kalau berpacaran' yg ada suhaimie meor tu ngn altimet...hah! yg tu mmg tgkap telinga nyer lagu...

nape aku xsuke dia jd Juara Lagu...1st...persembahan dia ntah apa2..semak jer aku nengok atas stage tu..dgn xfhmnyer...i know she put on effort to make her perfomance succesful tonite but still i can't get your motif..and aku xberseorgn yer..miss kecik aka housemate aku pown xfhm persembahan minah ne smlm..dah la suara mcm ada angin2 jer...eeeeeeeeeeee...aku mmg dah bajet Faizal Tahir dah angkat Juara Lagu ke-25 neh..cettt...aku xfhm napa keputusan juri mcm tuh...nak ragui kredibiliti dorg pown mcm aku xmpai hati nak wat...bukan calang2 org smlm yg jd juri..ketua juri lak Sifu M.Nasir kiter...but i can't get their point to give Anna Rafali to be a winner last nite..sgt2 kechiwa...lagi satu aku rs vokal dia xjelas...suara pown xdelah sedap sgt2 suam2 kuku kaki jer leh layan...

erm dahlah...kesimpulannya..i dun like!!! aku xtaw komen org aku percaya ramai org kat luar sn pown mempertikaikan keputusan juri semalam...mau masuk melodi mende neh..haahahaha...aku nak taw sgt brp markah setiap persembhn smlm..tang mn yang Anna Rafali ne lebeyy...plssss TV3...make an explanation to us!!! were craving to...

gtg..nak g bekfes...xoxo

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Passport Sabah v Imegresen Semenanjung

Hari ini sgtlah sentapnya kpd sy yer..dgn semangat yg bekobar2 aku telah mencemarkan duli utk membuka mataku lebey awal dr yang sepatutnya...pengorbanan paling besar time weekend...dan akhirnya sia2 sahaja...kelebihannya hari ini aku telah excercise pg g bejalan2..hilang lemak2 hasil ternakan lemak xpe..itu mmg sepatutnya di buang..xble syg2 memudaratkan..kan?kan?kan?

begini citernyer...spatutnya aku dah ble wat passport hari ne..coz itulah matlamat utama kan..malangnya disebabkan aku xda bw surat lahir original..aku xleh wat passport..sbb aku org procedurnya len dr org yg lahir kat cni...hisshhhhh silap aku gak..napala aku x gi tanya2 dulu...iyelah mn lah aku taw klu nak wat passport kena tgok tmpat kite lahir..ingtkan ada my kad dah leh setel tp rupanya2 xmcm tuh..len lah klu aku lahir kat semennjung atau pun either 1 parents aku org cni..klu parents dua2 org sbh mmg kena anta borang ke sbh dulu utk approval..dah stel baru leh continue wat passport kat cni...very the leceh kan..

sblm neh aku ada tanya kat mak su melah tp dia kata xde bw apa2 IC jer...huhuhu..yerlah dia pown xtaw gak prosedur klu org sbh len mcm sket..kena men twist2 dulu..bru leh proceed..xpelah..xsalah xpandai ikut jerlah...

ini just kongsi pengalaman..kowt2 la ada org sbh nak buat passport pasneh plak xdala jd amcm aku kena wat 2 3 kali lawatan ke imegresen...klu korg budak sbh dan buat passport d sbh..xda masalah..but if u org sbh then bt passport d smmnnjung then this kind problem would be prepared...bring along your original certificate of birth and the photocopy...and bear in yopur mind that this procedure would take longer than semenanjung punya olang utk buat passport coz d imegresen have to wait for the Imegresen Sabah approval first, after several days that you can continue to make a passport...

~Sharing is Caring~

p.s : i cant upload a picture coz the administration of diz cyber cafe prohibited me to do so...sob..sob..sob

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Where is my Mr.Desert??

N3 neh jika dibaca oleh my sayang sah2 dia suspicious.MySpacefortunately dia xtawMySpace..ngeee...alah bukan ader mende besar pown mende2 kecik jer...for me just for funMySpace..xde pown nak bersungguh @ gila mati jd die hard fan @ kipas susah mati...

al-kisah bermula...@ my opis but not my department lah..dia keje department len..aku dah lama dok perati mamat nehMySpace..xdelah spesel sgt but he remind me one of my old friend..mula2 aku mls gak lah nak amek post sgt...sbb kdg2 aku rs dia neh mcm bajet hensem! mcm ne bajet nsem??hahahah..

why i'm interested on him??? MySpacekena lah ada citer disebalik kejadian minat meminati neh kan..keh3..wajib ada...sblm neh aku duk terjumpa2 dia jer kalu time breakfast kat Cafe bwh nehMySpace(amboi mcm suka hati sgt lak aku kan)..ada la skali dua mcm tuh..xhari2 pown..but ada satu insiden yang membuatkan aku terpaut hatiMySpace..cheh ayat mmg xble blah...bukanlah smpai thp nak bercinta ker apa ker i mention just now..for fun only...kang ade lak yg kata aku neh tegedik2 lak dah ada 'my syg' kanMySpace no. no. no

insiden dia terjadi di satu petang yang agak sejuk dan hujan agak2 lebatMySpace..xla lebat neh aku ngn Mis Pau kelapa tgh tgu her bf dtg amek kitaorg...tgulah kat basement blkg opis nehMySpace menunggu dgn penuh bergaya sgt kan...hak3...pastu dtglah satu mamat neh..MySpacewaaaa agak kacak..MySpacedia nak balik tp sbb hujan dan keta dier agak jauh so aku nmpak dia patah balik masuk opis..wat bodo jer laMySpace knun sgt wat bodo,,tp dlm hati mcm ne haMySpace..but aku ada gtaw kat cik pau kelapa yg itulah lelaki yg aku suka tgok tuh..xtaw dia ada tdgr ke tak..rasanya xkowt..

then bf Mis Pau pun dtg lah..dah nm pown bf dtg kan..sah2 la Mis Pau ne laju jer menapak ke depanMySpace..tgl aku kat blkg,then mamat tu dtg balik dgn payung kuningnya..di sbbkan aku jalan sensorg aku pon teramah lak menegur kan..MySpace

" oh patah balik nak amek payung erk? "..laju je mulut aku beramah kan..MySpace

dia pun senyum kat aku..dan dia pun bls sapaan aku...

" haah, hujan pown bukan payung sy pinjam! keta awak kat mn?? nak tumpang payung ne x? "

MySpaceOMG sentap aku..dan2 tu ko jemput aku sepayung berdua ngn ko?????MySpace


'tidak' bermaksud unexpected okMySpace.. rase xpecaya jer...bkn aku yer..MySpacehakikatnya aku tolak gak niat hati suci murni beliau sbb keta bf Mis Pau neh kat depan sket jer...eeeeeeeeee napalah keta ne dekat jerMySpace...klu jauh leh tumpang sepayung ngn bukan memori daun pisang...memori payung kuning..hahahahaha

senyum2 aku jawab ngn dia...MySpace

eh,xpelah keta kat depan ne jer....(smbil2 wat senyuman kucing siam bajet cun)

dia pun lempar senyuman manis semanis desert kat akuMySpace....(dat's why aku gelar dia Mr.Desert)sweet tweeet

then kami pon berpisah aku ke kanan dan dia ke kiri...

alalalalalalalalalala~lalalalalal~ MySpacecomelnyer dier

ui dan2 tu sempat lg aku dpt jelingan tajam & ayat sentap Mis PauMySpace..."hamboi2 sempat lg buat drama erk" cis mati angan2 aku kena sentapan beliauMySpace

berakhirlah sebabak episode ringkas..owhoooo drama queen sgt aku...dlm hati menjerit2 suker...eeeeeee comelnyer...MySpaceklu dia ne kucing aku sggup bela..wlupon aku xsuka kucing sgt sbnr2nya...

dan selepas kejadian tersebut i keep my eyes on himMySpace...but aku masih setia erkk kat 'my syg'..xpernah pown berubah perasaan komitment aku ngn diaMySpace..Mr.desert ne juz wat keje2 sampingn jer..MySpaceheee..wlupon aku keep my eyes on him tp aku xla smpai mencari2 nak tgok dia hr2..klu terjumpa tu rezeki laMySpace..klu x..aku xkanlah smpai g department dier cari dier kan...klu itu mmg stalker lah..sawan namanya tuh...MySpace

kdg2 jumpa kat lift..naik lift skali..pg2 tu kdg2 la jumpa dia kat basement..xpown time lunch klu kitaorg g koperasi..xpown weekend klu aku rajin g opis time weekend la..dia byk kes kowt n maybe slalu g opis time weekend..

tapikan..lately neh jarang dah aku terserempak ngn dia...ntah g mnMySpace..kena transfer kowt?? bukan jarang mmg dah xpernah since last aku jmpa dia ms weekend aritu..dah agak lm awal2 disember mak su melah kata die ader..klu g smyg jam 1.30 mcm tuh leh la terserempak ngn dia ms nak g surau..uuiiii sejuk hati sembhyang awal waktuMySpace...mak su melah pernah terserempak ngn dia..aku smyg lewat sket..combine ngn Asar sekali..huuu...ermm nmpaknya kena g smyg awal waktu la neh...MySpacehaaha motivate dri pon leh guna cara ne kan..leh dpt pahala smyg di awal waktu trus..keh3..memberi hrpan baru nmpaknya..MySpace

ermm dah la..nak smbung wat keje lak..xoxo

dah lm xwat n3 mcm neh...msti mis pau suker neh..heeeee